An Interview with David Seim

” I wanted to help, to do my part. So I said well, let’s do something!”
-David Seim, Founder of Meeple-a-thon
David Seim spoke with me on August 22nd about Meeple-a-thon, a charity event to help the homeless youth in Kansas City, MO. Meeple-a-thon is in its third year.

TheCharityBoardGamer: David, thank you so much for meeting with me today. Tell us about yourself and what brought you into the board game hobby.
David Seim: Thank you for reaching out today, Chris. It truly is my pleasure. I was a huge video game player. World of Warcaft, and Playstations and such. I had a buddy who invited me to one of his friends board game nights. He chose Battlestar Galactica, explained the rules, and I was mesmerized at how complex and simple the game was. I’m a huge sci fi nerd, so it just hit all of the chords with me. Working together knowing that someone was a Cylon..or many people were, it was awesome! So my buddies and I bought that game, I introduced them to it, and then we just kept going. Star Wars Imperial Assault was next, then Time Stories, Unlocks and all sorts of genres and games. We just enjoyed hanging out and being together while having a great adventure together. We all unplugged and sat around the table to enjoy each others company face to face. It was awesome!
TheCharityBoardGamer: How long have you been in the hobby?
David: We have been getting together for 5 or 6 years now. Seems longer than that though. Lol.
TheCharityBoardGamer: What is your favorite game currently?
David: I normally would have immediately said Gloomhaven. I love Co-op games. However, I just played Wingspan for the first time last Friday. That game was amazing. We had a 4-player game and the winner had 76 points (not me). Two of us had 75 points (me), and last place had 74. That was incredible! I cant wait to play it again. So I will say Wingspan.
TheCharityBoardGamer: Tell me about Meeple-a-thon. How did it get started?
David: So I work for a 501C3 organization called Hillcrest Transitional Housing. Three years ago, we were asked to change some of our housing into dormatory like houses, as there was an overwhelming need for housing for homeless youth.
It really struck me that:
- There was such a need for homeless youth.
- That there wasn’t enough help for it.
As soon as we opened our facilities, we were full and needed to start looking into expanding, knowing that it would cost substantial amounts of money to expand and perhaps purchase new facilities. I wanted to help, to do my part. So I said well, let’s do something!

Meeple-a-thon was created ! A 24-hour board game marathon to help raise money for the homeless youth in Kansas City! In a couple weeks I put together a very small event, we held it in the Thrift Shop I work at and we raised 700 or so dollars. I was pleased, but knew I could do better. Last year I started 8 months out, hit up local FLGS shops, asked for donations, emailed and Facebook messaged companies asking for donations for our raffle we were going to hold. We were able to raise $5,616.00 last year. I was beyond amazed at what was accomplished. After last year I was completely burned out though. So I asked for help, I created a roundtable of people willing to help me. The team this year has put in so much work helping to grow our event and it is my hope that we will hit our goal of raising $10,000.00 this year!

TheCharityBoardGamer: When is this year’s Meeple-a-thon?
David: Meeple-a-thon 2019 is September 20th starting at 6pm and goes straight through to the 21st ending at 6pm. Now keep in mind, I set up last year all day Friday… didn’t sleep a wink the night before so for me…its like 48 hours of sleep deprived awesomeness!

TheCharityBoardGamer: What are some of the events you have lined up for this year?
David: Oh Chris, I am so excited for what we have on tap. We have:
- Mini-painting contests for adults and kiddos
- Ticket to Ride Tournament
- War Cry Demonstration
- Keyforge Tournament
- Dinosaur Tea Party
- One Night Ultimate Werewolf
- Twilight Imperium
- Catan Tournament
- Kill Team Tournament
- Connect Four Tournament
- Free Pizza from Sarpinos on Friday Night
- Free Artisan Waffles from Cardboard Corner on Saturday Morning
- Free Game Library to check out games
- Something for EVERYONE!!!!

TheCharityBoardGamer: That’s Great! Where can people go to learn more and contribute to the charity?
David: Last year, at peak, we had over 150 people in the same room. I am hoping for a couple things: to double that, and to outgrow the space we are in. It’s a great problem to have. The best way to see all the events and sign up for them is on our Facebook page. It is wethemeeple, but also follow us on Instagram @meeple_a_thon, or our website! Also, anyone can make a donation by texting ‘MEEPLE’ to 44321.
TheCharityBoardGamer: This is awesome! David, thank you again for your time and I hope you have a successful event!
David: Thank you, Chris, for your time and inquiries. I really appreciate you taking the time!

Dana Matthews Dana Matthews
This is great! Good luck in your endeavors.
Andy Davis Andy Davis
This is amazing! This idea is fantastic and I hope one day this expands to more and more cities. I would love to participate in central Florida!
Awesome idea and event! Wish I was close enough to attend, but I can support from afar!
Steven Fortenberry Steven Fortenberry
I love the idea behind this
Lutitia Merlan Lutitia Merlan
So awesome seeing others find the love of board games. My husband introduced me to gaming almost 20 years ago. It was such a fun and fantastical way to date lol.
Jamie Heintz Jamie Heintz
I attended Meeple- a-thon this year for the first time. I had a great time and was proud to be supporting a great cause.
Mr. Sudoku Mr. Sudoku
This is great. I love playing games with my son, and I would love to get him involved with something like this if it were to come to my city.