Team3: A Polyomino Building Good Time

Game: Team3 (Pink/Green)
- Publisher: Brain Games
- Designer: Alex Cutler, Matt Fantastic
- Illustrated by: Reinis Petersons
- 3-6 players, 3-12 players if combined
- Ages 14+
- 30 minutes

“Like This.”
“What do you mean ‘Like This’? I’m blind”
“Grab the blue one.”
“I’m blind. How am I supposed to find anything blue if I can’t see?”
Team3 Pink and Green are games that challenge you, having to use different means of communicating to each other. In the game you are one of three monkeys: the monkey who can’t speak, the monkey interpreting that monkey and the monkey who is blind. This is an interesting take on sensory deprivation and turning it on its head.

The mute monkey must convey the pattern of shapes on the table to the deaf monkey without pointing at the shapes. The deaf monkey must then tell the blind what to build within the 3 minutes they have. This can be nerve-wracking as everyone the blind person is having to rely on the words of someone who is relying on the hand gestures of a mute person. I feel like watching See No Evil, Hear No Evil after playing this game. There is always an abundance of laughter anytime I have seen this played. One could play this for points, or play as teams against each other when putting the Pink and Green together. Each correct pattern would equal a point. The ultimate goal for this game is to have fun!

Each box comes with ten shapes, two per shape matching. The quality of the shapes are easy to play with and dropping them has not done any damage thus far. The cards are a a square with rounded edges, some with 1-star to 3-star difficulty. Included in each box is a mini expansion to test your skills further.

Our Family’s Thoughts on Team3
Abigail: It’s kind of hard because you can’t see anything, hear anything or say anything. It’s stressful because everybody’s yelling at you, but it’s also fun like you don’t know what you are doing but sometimes you find a way to build a shape. You get better at it after a few rounds. Recommendation: Try it.
Beth: It was a good learning experience on how to find creative ways to describe to someone who can’t see. Since I played with someone who actually had sensory deprivation, we tried using sign language and it was good practice. After a while you learn what works and what doesn’t so you can get faster. It was a fun kind of stress to build it before the timer goes off. It was a lot of fun and made for a lot of laughs. I love how everyone can celebrate when you build it right. Recommendation: Buy It!

Chris: I love this game. I first experienced this at Origins 2019 in the lounge area of the Hotel, and I was blind. We almost completed a 3-star difficulty using all the shapes. Sadly my speed just didn’t make it. Recommendation: Buy It!
Daniel: I like how there are different roles, some can’t talk see and hear, so its really fun and I like how you can build different shapes with the blocks. Its really fun and easy to learn how to play and teach. Recommendation: Buy It!

Elijah: I like building and making the hand motions. Recommendation: Try it.